Welcome to my blog!  MY primary objective is to alert my constituents and others in King Township about issues being reviewed at the upcoming Council meetings.  I do this as I believe the quality of Council decisions is enhanced when the public is engaged.  I hope that residents will make deputations and/or send emails to Council to express their opinion and/or to ask important questions.  Also, I include notice of meetings and events which I think are particularly important.   I welcome your comments, whether you agree or not with me, and only edit to eliminate inappropriate language.

Recent Posts

Redeveloping Nobleton Lions Community Park

On Council October 16 agenda there is a report recommending a strategy for the redevelopment of Nobleton Lions Community Park.  Its bold and exciting and  includes enhancements to the park with new amenities, moving the library and possibly moving the historic and designated Community Hall (Nobleton Women's Institute). Its also very complex with a required estimated budget of $19,450,000...

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Resolution To Reduce Phosphorous in Lake Simcoe

On October 16 Council agenda there is a motion tabled by Councillor Eek seconded by Councillor Anesty to approve a resolution asking the Government of Ontario i) to update the Lake Simcoe Phosphorus Reduction Strategy and ii) to develop and fund implementation of a time-bound action plan to achieve the revised Lake Simcoe Phosphorus Reduction Strategy with a target date of 2030.  I fully...

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Financial Reports

On the October 16 Council agenda there are a couple financial reports.  I am very satisfied to see these quarterly reports as it is a good indicator that we are managing our funds well and is a good review of projects underway across the whole Township.  Here is one identifying  capital projects in process and complete.  Here is one listing procurement decisions July-September.

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STOP 413!

STOP 413!

Last year's Harvest Ontario Walk to Stop the 413 was a huge success and also a lovely day out in sunny, autumn weather. This event is organized by a large coalition of environmental groups and local residents including Grandmothers Act to Save the Planet, EcoCaledon, Seniors for Climate Action Now, Concerned Citizens of King Township, The Wilderness Committee and the Unitarian Congregation of...

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Recent Comments

  1. Hi Nancy, It is so easy to be cynical, particularly these days. It is correct that every nomination does not…

  2. Volunteer Awards Thank you for providing the links to those years. I just remember years ago there were lots of…