Welcome to my blog! MY primary objective is to alert my constituents and others in King Township about issues being reviewed at the upcoming Council meetings. I do this as I believe the quality of Council decisions is enhanced when the public is engaged. I hope that residents will make deputations and/or send emails to Council to express their opinion and/or to ask important questions. Also, I include notice of meetings and events which I think are particularly important. I welcome your comments, whether you agree or not with me, and only edit to eliminate inappropriate language.
Recent Posts
Economic Development and Strategic Priorities
At May 15 Council there will be two Staff reports, each with presentations. You can listen by either joining the livestream or come to the Municipal Centre. These reports and presentations listed below will be preceeded by a presentation regarding Mackenzie Health Update by Altaf Stationwala, President & CEO. 2019-2022 Strategic Priorities Plan--annual (2022) progress report Economic...
Winter Maintenance Program
On May 15 Council agenda there is a report summarizing results (successes and challenges) of the winter maintenance programs. The weather statistics certainly "explain" some of the challenges experienced; there was a lot of rain. The report also provides high level financial cost to address the two major complaints: sand left on the urban roads and no windrow clearance except for those...
Spring Tea in Kettleby
This is a wonderful way to meet up with friends and neighbours and get caught up on their news and interests. And this year is unique given that it is Coronation Day!
Ketle Lake Park Next Phase
Construction of Kettle Lake Phase 2 is slated to start this month; expected completion of the new play structures is mid July. Lighting along the pathway will be installed later in the summer. Suring the construction phase the public will have limited access to the existing features during the construction due to material staging, equipment installation and workers active on site, If visiting...
Thank you Debbie, What an important day to celebrate! I know in our lifetime, we have come a long way…
Hi Nancy, It is so easy to be cynical, particularly these days. It is correct that every nomination does not…
Volunteer Awards Thank you for providing the links to those years. I just remember years ago there were lots of…
I appreciate your suggestions as to how there could be more commercial space within the current urban boundary. there is…
Thanks Dorita for some different perspective about the proposed commercial lands for King City. Driving by it is evident that…