Add to the beauty of your property. Add to the Township’s canopy. Do a good thing for all us. Plant a tree or plant alot of trees. If you are in one of the Villages LEAF’s full service backyard planting may be perfect: select your tree and have someone else plant it for about 1/2 the price. If you have some acreage consider the larger scale services of Toronto Regional Conservation Authorities (TRCA) or Lake Simcoe Regional Conservation Authorities (LSRCA).
LEAF is offering full service backyard tree planting all residents of York RegionAdd to the beauty of your backyard or frontyard. This includes site consultation with anarborist, a 5-8 foot tall tree (2-4 for evergreen), delivery and planting. Price is $150-220/year for a product/service with a 2X retail value. (Note: the full service used to be available only to the more southern municipalities.)