Federal Election is Monday, May 2nd. If you are still debating with yourself as to who gets your vote you will be interested to know that there are two all candidates meetings in our area.
An All-Candidates meeting will be held at the Seneca King Campus on Tuesday 26th April at 7 pm. It is sponsored by the Markham Board of Trade in conjunction with Seneca College. There will be opportunities for questions to the candidates.
There is also an All Candidates Meeting on Thursday, 28th April in Stouffville at Parkview Village Auditorium, 12184 Ninth Line (S. of Main st). This is being run by the local churches ‘Ministerial’ and may be a ticket event. Apparently written questions can be submitted ahead of time, but no questions from the floor.
In addition, Rogers TV has two election programmes scheduled
Tuesday, April 19, at 8.15 pm – panel discussion
Thursday, April 21st at 11,00 am – debate