The development application for Mary Lake Estates passed a critical point at the March 25 special Council meeting. Three other members of Council voted with me against the Staff report; and then Council voted 4/2 in favour a resolution I put forward.
Here is the resolution.
1. That Planning Report P-2013-18 be received;
2. That the proposed draft plan, draft plan conditions and zoning by-law not be approved in the form before Council as they fail to adequately address the interface/transition between the existing Kingscross Estates community and the proposed new subdivision;
3. That staff be authorized and directed to work with the Kingscross Estates Ratepayers Association (KERA) and the Applicant to revise the proposed Plan of Subdivision with a goal to provide for improved interface/transition by such means as reducing the number of lots and establishing deeper rear yard set backs on the south boundary of the proposed plan;
4. That subject to resolution of the interface/transition issues as may be agreed by the Applicant, Township of King staff and KERA, recommendations B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I of Planning Department Report Number P-2013-18, be approved, with the necessary revisions required to give effect to the interface/transition matters as resolved; and
5. That failing resolution of the interface/transition matters, that the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) for the Township of King be authorized to retain legal and planning consultant services to prepare for and attend the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) hearing in support of Council’s position as outlined in this Resolution.
This has been a very tough application for many reasons including that it has dragged on so long. But, the end seems to be in sight; the OMB hearing identified in point 5 above is scheduled to begin 4/15.
For the record: those opposed to the resolution were Councillors Cober and Grandilli; those in support were Mayor Pellegrini, Councillors Mortelliti, Eek and myself; Councillor Pabst was absent.
I’m supportive of the resolution put forward and approved by Council. I’m also very much encouraged by the receptiveness to the concerns expressed by the Kingscross Estates Residents Association, with the view to resolving the outstanding issues with the developer through a negotiated process. The new McClure Drive subdivision proposal process is a great example of what is possible when interested residents and a developer work together to find a mutually agreeable solution.