Revised Plan for Subdivision East Hwy27/South King Road

Feb 1, 2025 | Developments | 1 comment

At the statutory public meeting on Monday February 3rd  presenting applications for amendments to both the Official Plan and the Zoning Bylaw to facilitate creation of a subdivision on the east side of Hwy 27 south of King Rd on the lands currently referred to as Boynton. As reviewed in the report there was a public meeting for an application for a Zoning Bylaw amendment for the same lands in September 2022. Since then Provincial changes to the Provincial Policy Statement 2024 relating to Employment Areas has necessitated changes to the development plan.  The new plan includes a Mixed-use block and an Institutional block to provide for a range of commercial, residential, light industrial and institutional uses, including a secondary school site. The original plan included building 429 single detached homes; new plan is for 436.

It’s my understanding that designating a portion of the lands as Mixed-use and Institutional will permit the uses which where contemplated in the September 2022 application. In the latter the lands were called employment but with the revised PPS many of those uses would not be permitted as lands designated as Employment.

As I expressed in 2022 I am very disappointed to see a proposal for a new residential subdivision of single detached. Nobleton needs variety of housing formats.  What is now proposed is even seven more!  At the public information meeting prior to the September 2022 statutory public meeting I heard objections from the existing property owners to the east:  as proposed there will be 2-4 new lots backing onto one current lot;  and there was  disregard for a existing row of mature trees at  the eastern boundary. From the attached draft plan I can see that the interface has not been modified; I don’t know about the trees.

Traditionally as it is a public planning meeting there is no need to register in advance to make a deputation in person; but I see on the agenda that such is required.  I don’t recall this change in procedure being made but I may have forgot; at time of writing I cannot get clarification.    As alwaysiIf you want to make your deputation remotely please contact clerks@king by noon Feb 3.   If you want to send an email to Council please send to by noon Feb. 3.


1 Comment


    Thanks Debbie! I know people whose homes back onto the proposed subdivision.
    I’ll let them know.


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