Thinking About an Electric Car?

Jan 11, 2021 | Debbie in the Community | 4 comments


As some people know I made a big decision this fall:  the purchase of an electric vehicle.  We did so after being passengers in others’ cars, doing some research, test driving a couple.  Finally we made the choice: Hyundai KONA.  We love it:  its very comfortable and its very satisfying to know that while driving I am not adding green house gases (GHG).  Making the decision was tough because of the unknowns. Given this experience I am happy that Climate Action King, a recently formed citizens group, of which I am a member, has decided to host three webinars to hear from owners about their experience, to answer questions.


  1. Mary Bromley

    I wonder what CAA is going to do about electric cars who run out of
    electricity and/or if they get stranded in some godforsaken place with no plugs! So…I just called CAA…all they can do is tow the car to the nearest charging station.

    • Debbie

      Mary…the nightmare scenario you painted can happen in a “regular” car…I know too well. But indeed it is a tad more problematic for a EV as I recall being told that it is not good to have an EV towed. It is true that with an EV there needs to be some planning as to where the charging stations are. The good news is that EV’s (all of them I believe) have a “monitor” which indicates how many kilometers can be driven given the amount of charge in the battery. I am learning that in winter it is not 100% accurate as the charge is used for heat but it certainly gives you a good indication. The other good news is that there are more and more charging stations.

    • Debbie

      Thank you Angela, sounds like a good recommendation.! And thanks for the link; I found it very informative…good reading for a new ev driver.


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