Traffic Calming in Kettleby

Nov 17, 2014 | Debbie in the Community, The Issues | 5 comments

Council approved a report recommending traffic calming on Kettleby Road;  implementation is to be done in spring 2015.  The recommendation is based on data provided by data collected by traffic counters and the feedback from residents living on the road.

To elaborate on the justification:  the traffic counters indicated that 85th percentile speed was  >70km/hr in both directions in the 50 km speed zone.  Our traffic calming policy indicates that when there is speed > 15 km greater than the posted speed, traffic calming is warranted. Residents living on the Road have identified speeding as a critical issues during the last 6 months; a petition requesting traffic calming was initiated and supported by more than 70% in spring.  During this period residents have tried to slow down traffic with signs warning of children at play etc. etc.  I think anyone who is familiar with the road, the proximity of road to walking paths and houses can well appreciate why excessive speed is totally unacceptable.

I have also asked Township and Region to improve signage for the local and regional roads.  Specifically, signs need to better identify the road as a road for local traffic.  And, signage needs to provide better directions to Aurora and Newmarket for those coming off the 400.  People walking on the road are occasionally stopped by drivers wanting to know how to reach Newmarket i.e. they are lost.  Further indicator that non local traffic is driving through the village is the volume count:  737 is average daily traffic volume.

It is unfortunate that the speed humps will not be installed earlier than spring but it is not feasible due to cold weather and lack of budget.  To elaborate on the latter: cost is estimated to be only $10,000 but our traffic calming 2014 budget is depleted; the only positive things to say about the latter  is that it does demonstrate fiscal discipline.  Clearly, in addition to ensuring that our 2015 budget covers this initiative I think we need to ensure that we build an adequate total budget as many neighbourhoods are concerned about risk associated with speeding on the local streets.




  1. Greg Locke

    Hi Debbie,

    This is a real move forward for Kettleby residents!

    And as I travel the area Kettleby Road through the hamlet is an accident waiting to happen without a solution like this.

    In campaigning in Ward 4, I must say traffic calming was a top 3 issue raised to me. And being a Main Street Schomberg resident I couldn’t disagree that traffic calming should be seriously considered for this increasing through-road. A select number of other streets worthy of serious consideration include Rose Cottage Lane and Ben Boy in Schomberg; and most definitely Cook Drive in Pottageville.

    As such I’d highly agree that the budget for these measures should be increased for 2015 and perhaps 2016 to reflect these needs.

    Lastly, I suggest that York Region be engaged to proactively and regularlyenforce the speed limits on Lloydtown-Aurora Road: this is being treated as a 100+km/h highway by many motorists. In addition, it’s been suggested by several residents that a 60 km/h limit be posted throughout the entire length of L-A Road from Hwy 400 to Highway 27 to help ensure a safer speed limit is maintained.

    • Debbie

      Greg…To see some action on the suggestion about Lloydtown Aurora Rd. I suggest forwarding requests/suggestions to Ward Councillor and Mayor. I believe YR has started to set a constant speed limit for road sections as opposed to different limits in different sections. For example: Keele is now posted at 50 from Hwy 9 to Lloydtown Aurora Rd as opposed to a higher speed limit north of Kettleby Road. and then 50 from Kettleby Road and south. I believe they have done so on the basis that consistency will lead to better/safer speeds.

  2. Nancy Beatty

    Yea, my dog and I thank you.

  3. Nancy Hopkinson

    Hi Debbie,
    Traffic calming is important and I am glad to see that it will be done for the Kettleby residents.

    I noticed that during the election one of the Ward 2 (Nobleton/Laskay) candidates (Joe Buscema) who lives in one of the new subdivisions said that his subdivision needs traffic calming. That was very important to him. The Township has not yet taken over those roads. I was thinking that the Township should get the developer to do traffic calming and not have the burden of this cost on the taxpayers.

    • Debbie

      Hello Nancy,
      I believe we need to be more realistic about impact of developments in terms of traffic and where that traffic flows. And indeed that might translate to getting new development to fund traffic calming measures required in established ones. As to whether there is still the opportunity at this stage with the specific situation you have identified I don’t know.


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