Transitioning to blue Box Program

Jun 2, 2023 | Miscellaneous, Uncategorized | 4 comments

On June 5 council agenda there is a staff report providing an update on the transition to Ontario’s Blue Box program to full producer responsibility and to provide a recommended approach in King.  Its evident that Staff have carefully reviewed options and I agree with their proposals.  If you wish to make a deputation and/or provide your comments in an email you need to register (or send that email) by noon June 5 to  To clarify, to make a deputation you need to register whether you will do in person at the Municipal Centre or by phone.


  1. Angela Rose

    Having read this I still don’t understand if I am a producer or not and if I am what this means for me as a resident in a single family home.

    • Debbie

      Hello Angela, No question…there is complexity in the change. As i understand it there will be no change on a single residential home until January 2026. At that point there will be changes re blue box but the specificity is not known yet: additional product can be added including flexible plastic and polystyrene foam; cost of blue box pick up by PRO; schedule for pick ups. Resto of garbage will be picked up by GFL; cost of that is unknown. Contracts for both GFL and PRO will continue to be negotiated with the N6.

  2. Ian Hilley

    Thank you Debbie for sharing a link to this report. What are the economics of the current Blue Box program in the Township of King? Does the township make money from the collection of the contents of Blue Boxes? Does revenue from the current program offset taxes for residents? As a result of the new program, will there be a loss of revenue for the Township from the sale of materials collected for recycling? Will there be two rounds of Blue Box collections i.e., one for locations covered by the regulations & another for those that are not which will cost the Township $2,500 per month? If on the other hand, the collection of Blue Boxes is a cost to the Township will there be savings in future? It would be helpful for the Township to describe the changes pictorially together with the flow of the $

    • Debbie

      Hello Ian, I agree that the full picture on cost to Township and therefore to residents needs to be presented. As reviewed in the report the full total cost is not yet known. The RFP by PRO for blue box pick up including the the catchments area of King is scheduled to be released Q4 2023. The GFL contract will continue as is until January 2026. To quote from report “While fees paid to GFL for continuing solid waste collection services may increase (in line with the
      current contract), annual total contractual costs are expected to decrease with the discontinuation of blue box collection within the contract.”


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