As you have either experienced personally or have read about in our local papers, there are some problems with our garbage pick up program. To both provide background and an update on resolving the issues Council & Staff had a working meeting on 12/2. Bottom line: Staff are very committed to fixing the customer service problems.
Recycling Collection ( blue box program)
Information in our garbage calendar, the website etc. indicates that recycle materials are to put into a Blue Box; but until recently our service provider, based on our instructions, has been very permissive in accepting recyclables to be in a wide variety of containers. Recently we decided to restrict recycle material pick up to materials in the municipality provided official Blue Box. The motivation for such a change was reasonable: too often people used containers which were too large to be safely emptied or were in bad shape and would break while being emptied etc. But we failed to communicate effectively the new rule that official Blue Box must be used. As of our 12/2 working meeting we are returning to the more permissive policy temporarily. Before we change there will be good notice. In the interim, if you need a new receptacle for your recyclables contact the Township about getting a new Blue Box. (A larger one has been introduced so there are now 2 sizes.)
Through discussion in the working meeting a couple common errors about Blue Box recyclables was identified.
- It is not necessary to segregate the different kinds of recyclables i.e. paper can be mixed with jars or cans.
- It is not necessary to wash out containers.
- Minimizing space by stacking or inserting containers inside other ones can cause problems as the equipment at the plant can’t shake them apart. So its okay to do so but not tightly.
- If you bundle your newspapers be careful that the tensile strength of the twine is not too strong and do not use plastic string or wire.
- If you don’t want to read the local newspapers delivered in a blue plastic bag, the newspaper needs to be removed from the bag and the latter needs to go into the garbage whereas the newspaper itself is recyclable.
Schedule for Pick-up
I have heard frustration from residents about the inconsistent schedule for pick up since GFL became our service provider. Even though the bylaw requires that materials be at the driveway for 7AM residents prefer to have the discretion of placing out later, on windy days for example, if the usual time of their pick up is afternoon. GFL acknowledges that the schedules have not been consistent because they have been trying to optimize routes. They told us at the Working Session that routes have been pretty much resolved; but, accidents causing road closures or unusually high volume of garbage could require an additional visit to depot which in turn could change schedule. So the bylaw requirement of 7AM continues!
Looking Ahead
There are several ideas to reduce the amount of material picked up: all kinds. They are also re-assessing the current prohibition to allow for grass clippings to be included in yard waste.
Cost For Service
At the Working Session I learned that we are receiving the waste management services very cost effectively: total cost per household is about $300/year of which $97 is for the actual pick up whereas the majority is for the recovery facility, landfill, etc.
To review list of recyclables, 2013 schedule click here. The 2014 calendar will be arriving very soon in your mailbox.
Having personally witnessed our garbage being picked through by the collector I thought I was doing him/her a favour of separating the paper ( and putting it in a beige plastic container which was formerly always left at curbside) from the blue box. The color and type of container comes as a surprise to me but if he/she wants it all in one blue box then so be it. However, the majority of blue boxes are small but it is nice to know you can purchase a super size when you need it. Where from I am not quite sure! I did not appreciate seeing everything that was considered “non conforming” strewn all over my driveway. Really going through the leaf bag for non leaf materials was what! Furthermore, one week we are taking out to curbside pre-7:00 am and the next week it sits there being blown around the entire street until sometime after 4:00 pm. And how bout the neighbour who responsibly bagged 33 leaf bags, put them out before the end of November deadline and I guess because there were too many, none picked it up. I pay $35.00 per year in another municipality for rural weekly pick up and to be very frank, the job is done a 100% better with far less hassle.
Thanks for your comments Sheila. The large blue boxes are available at Township Office. Staff is aware of the issues you have identified and are working to correct. If indeed your experience in the other municipality is for the same range of services you do have quite a deal there. Would be interested to know which muncipality so I can pass on to Staff to do some benchmarking; maybe there is something there for us to learn. Debbie
The municipality is Marmora & Lake. There is no green bin program at this time. The bears at the dump generally take care of the left over loose food scraps. Each garbage bag MUST have a tag which costs $1.00. If you don’t have a tag the bag is picked up regardless but a surcharge is added to your property tax bill. The collector records your address if you are missing a tag. There is a limit of 2 per pick up. Any type of blue box is accepted and because it is in a rural setting boxes that have lids for recycling is recommended because of the wind and wildlife. Twice a year, just junk day is scheduled which is for carpeting, used furniture, barbecue tanks etc. No lumber is accepted. Larger items can be brought to the dump during operating hours. So garbage pick up bill is around $1500.00 per year should a resident not choose to recycle This is over and above the property tax bill. . Garbage is pick up on all statutory holidays if it is your scheduled day. Mind you there are a lot less people to contend with but the service is reliable, prompt and tidy. There is a problem with people who leave garbage bags randomly at the side of the road. I have noticed that between King Road and Major Mackenzie on Dufferin the number of randomly thrown bags of garbage has increased as the population of King City and Oak Ridges expands. So garbage is on everyone minds these days besides the residents of King Township. It’s amazing when one has to actually pay for garbage bag tags the client appears to put more thought into recycling. In rural areas burning garbage is far less restrictive as long as one heeds what is permitted during particular times of the year. Hope this was helpful!
Hi Sheila, I appreciate your very comprehensive review of the services at Marmora; now I understand how your annual bill is as low as $35. Our service needs to improve and Staff is working hard to do so. I am incensed whenever I see the dumped garbage bags on the road; so disrespectful and selfish. It is unfortunately true that more people means more garbage; and it is even more unfortunate that some think it is okay to leave it to others to deal with it.