Water and Wastewater Rates for 2024

Nov 10, 2023 | Budget | 8 comments

On November 13 Council agenda there is the recommendation for water and wastewater rates in 2024. As a portion of the rate is variable the magnitude on each user varies according to their consumption but for the average usage the increase on the blended rate (water and wastewater) is an increase of 2.4 %, $43.05.  In response to user request it is proposed to move from 4 bills/year to 6.   And there is a recommendation of relevance to future condominium owners, specifically that each unit will have an individual; water meter owned and maintained by the Condo board.

As reviewed in the report municipalities are required by provincial legislation to manage the service so that there is full cost recovery.  York Region, the supplier of water for the 4 water systems in King represents largest component of the cost structure.  In 2021 YR approved a combined increased water and wastewater rate of 3.3% from April 2022 to March 2022.King’s water rate has both a fixed rate and a variable rate. For 2024 the fixed rate is not changing.  The variable rate is increasing 3.5%.

Our variable rate structure continues to be tiered to encourage careful use of this valuable asset.   I am glad to see the increase in frequency of bills.  Over the years I have heard request for this change.  I think the identified incremental administrative cost ($69,000) is worthwhile.  But, I would appreciate hearing from users.   I can understand the basis for the recommendation re: future condominiums but I do have some questions about it.

As always you can participate in the Council and make a deputation on this motion  in person or virtually.  For details on how to do please see Council agenda.  Or you can send an email to clerks@king.ca by Monday noon with your comments, questions.  And I welcome hearing from you directly or by making a comment on the blog.


  1. Neva Lorenzon

    Hi Debbie,
    I don’t understand how spending an additional $69,000 in adminstrative cost to change from 4 bills/year to 6 bills/year is worthwhile. Worthwhile how, and for whom?

    • Debbie

      Hello Neva, We are doing this in response to requests for such to help people manage their water bills.

  2. Neva Lorenzon

    Hi Debbie,
    So, just to be clear, will the fixed maintenance charge on each quarterly bill now be proportionately reduced to reflect that we will be billed six times per year instead of four times per year? If not, then that means a 50% increase in our annual fixed maintenance charges, not much help in managing our water bills.

  3. Neva Lorenzon

    Hi Debbie,
    Nevermind, I just looked it up on Finance Dept report to Council; from the Table 5 it looks like the fixed maintenance charge WILL be reduced to reflect the increased number of billings. Phew! So, my only complaint remains that we have to spend an additional $69,000 to “help” us manange our water bills. Ughh! Does staff and Council really believe that the average ratepayer is that incompetent?

    • Debbie

      Hello Neva, !st….glad you were able to answer your own question by looking at the budget book. 2nd….I can’t comment on the average ratepayer but I can assure you that Council and Staff did not “make up” the request for more frequent billing. And the latter is not a new phenomenon.

  4. Neva Lorenzon

    Hi Debbie,
    I don’t understand how you solve a ratepayer budget management concern by increasing their costs. After all, where is the additional $69,000 going to come from if not from the ratepayer?

    Secondly, I’ve checked other municipalities in our area and they all seem to be still on a quarterly cycle. Toronto, in fact, bills every four months (3 times/year).

    Thirdly, property owners can now monitor their water usage online. Through the online portal we can access our daily water consumption, sign up to receive warnings of high consumption and potential problems (I get an email warning almost daily during the spring/summer gardening season), and track our usage and history. There are no surprises.

    And last but not least, perhaps those with budgeting concerns could be counselled to make installment payments, monthly, bi-monthly, weekly, whatever suits them. Nothing is preventing them from making as many installment payments “on account” as they deem necessary or find helpful, without increasing their costs.

    • Debbie

      Hello Neva, I do want to say that I commend the research you have done about other municipalities which show that there is a range of practises. Of interest, perhaps, is the fact that York Region bills the Township every 2 months i.e. 6 times a year. The fact that there are different practises is interesting but King didn’t “justify” or explain the decision based on what others did. I understand your objection but Council decided to make the change on the basis that it was a worthwhile change because of feedback we have received. To give context I want to say that “the increased cost of additional billing represents only $.12 per cubic meter which for tier one the rate is now $4.71.

  5. Neva Lorenzon

    I wonder if the feedback you received would have been different if ratepayers were advised that a change in billing frequency would increase the tier one rate. “Only” $.12 per cubic meter represents a 2.61% increase in the tier one rate, higher than target inflation of 2%. People are suffering due to inflation, and, as the saying goes, if we are not part of the solution we are part of the problem. Just my two cents: Costs matter.


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