2025 Budget

Nov 23, 2024 | Budget, Developments | 4 comments

On Monday November 25 Council agenda there is a staff report recommending approval of the budget for 2025.  The proposed budget requires a property tax increase of 3.68% on the Township portion.  (Recall that the property tax is based on 3 components:  17% school board, 43% York Region, 40% Township). For a  home assessed at $1 million the increase by the Township would be $127.  I think this is a very responsible budget in that it responds to the serious concerns about cost of living.  I don’t think there is anything extra/unnecessary in the 2025 budget; I do have concerns that in some instances the budget will not be adequate.

There will be a presentation by our Director of Finance/Treasurer.  I encourage you to watch.

Everyone is affected by the budget decision as in essence it defined what will be worked on in 2025 and what will not be worked on in 2025.  Having said that I’m going to note below a couple items which are of particular interest to Ward 5.

Kettleby Road Reconstruction will be completed.  It includes the complete reconstruction of the road structure with curbs and gutters, new storm sewers, relocation of the existing outfall, asphalt strip for snow clearing operations, and relocation/replacement of hydro utility poles.  Total funding is $2.7 million spent 2023-2025. In 2025 it is $400,000.


We will continue to convert gravel roads to paved roads.  Total budget is $1 million with $900,000 being provided by Development Charges.  There are several roads to be done in 2025 including 17th Sideroad from Jane Street to West end.  I know residents along this road have been waiting for this as their gravel road with its changing elevations is very challenging in the winter months.


The capital budget includes $150,000 for a streetlight Study/inventory analysis done.  This is a new initiative which I have been asking for in response to complaints and my own survey.   Its important that we know our current state.  But I also recognise that we will need to take a very measured response to fill any gaps because new light standards are not low cost.  We are not abandoning our dark sky policy but as lighting is an important contributor to safety we need to assess.  Specifically we need to  ensure minimum illumination standards are met on our road network requirements for lighting safety.


Per the Roads Needs Assessment there will be work done on the following roads in Ward 5.  Kingsworth Road (from Blueberry Lane to Watch Hill Road) & (from Westgate Circle to Blueberry Lane), Kingscross Drive (from Westgate Circle to Manitou Drive), Westgate Circle, Westgate Boulevard.  (To see other roads in Township to be converted see Budget 2025 page 206 of 286).


There will NOT be improvement on Manitou in 2025; as there are plans for some work on pipes below the road  in next couple years.  The latter needs to be done first or else we will be tearing up a new road. Similarly there will not be work done on Station Road.  Metrolinx needs to finish their work first: otherwise we would be fixing the road and then redoing it after Metrolinx is finished.

Other comments about budget.

  • A Speed Enforcement Reserve fund is being set up to fund traffic calming.  After analysis and assessment there will be procurement of features such as  additional automated  speed enforcement cameras, speed humps, flexible traffic bollards, radar feedback signs. For 2025 the budget includes $200,000. To my mind this is very necessary.  Its too bad that there is a tendency to drive faster than is safe; hopefully monetary penalties will cause behavior change.   The funding source will be revenue generated from traffic tickets for speed enforcement cameras.
  • The Train Station and Church are being renovated so that they can be valuable assets in terms of offering places for our camps and a facility for renting for weddings, celebrations.  The total funding required is $1,570,000 over 2023-2025. The initial funding request in 2023 of $70,000 was funded by a grant and the balance over the remaining years (2024 $750,000 and 2025 $750,000) is infrastructure reserve funding and grant funding.
  • The Zancor Centre (the Township Wide Recreational Centre) has been funded has a total  budget of $86 million and has been in process 2018-2025.  It should be celebrated by residents as this has been funded not by the tax payer.  Funding sources:  $38,849,090  Federal and Provincial Funding, $16,120,000 Developer Contributions, $22,962,873 from Development Charges and $4,111,700 from the Growth and Infrastructure Reserve Fund and $3,956,337 from Infrastructure Reserve Fund. The amounts funded by reserve funds will be repaid with Municipal Capital Facility Agreement (MCFA) funding when received.
  • The 2025 budget includes 1 additional full time employee; an Asset Management Supervisor (AMS). This position is critical in supporting the King growing asset management needs within the Township, including implementing best practices and ensuring compliance with O.Reg. 588/17 Asset Management Planning for Municipal Infrastructure .
  • King will have a Canada Day celebration.  At this stage the funding to make it a Municipally Significant Event will come from reallocating funds from King Food & Drink Fest.  For more details see Budget 2025 page 155 of 286.
  • I have asked for more details as to how budget dollars are being spent in terms of supporting  the King Climate Action Plan.

As always, if you want to make a deputation please register with clerks@king.ca by noon November 25.. If you want to send an email to Council please send to clerks@king.ca an email by noon Nov. 25.


  1. Ian Hilley

    Thank you for the update on the planned budget for 2025. I am disappointed that Manitou Drive will not be repaired in this budget. What are the “roadblocks’ to enable coordination of the pipework which is necessary & the repaving please?

    • Debbie

      Hello Ian.Fist I will say that I understand your disappointment; the road is very rough. have asked Staff for some information They had advised me “that
      Manitou requires rehab and in some locations full depth reconstruction, this was recommended in the Road Needs Study for 2025. However, the watermain also needs to be replaced in the near future (currently scheduled for 2031). It is good municipal practice to coordinate all capital projects that involve the need to disturb the road surface (pavement). In this case, the timing for both projects is 6 years apart. We have delayed the paving of Manitou as a result, and intend on bringing the watermain forward by a couple of years. The combined road reconstruction and watermain project is most likely to occur in 2027 or 2028. We will coordinate the two projects through next years budge.”

  2. Stephen Ongaro

    The Zancor building has not been funded by residents taxes, but $22,900.00 is raised by decelopent charges. Where is that from?

    • Debbie

      Hello Stephen, I am so glad that have looked at the budget and have asked a great question.

      This DC reserve fund is comprised of development charges received through registered plans of
      subdivision and through individual land severances. The uses for this reserve fund are restricted
      by Township of King by-law. To see a detailed summary of each balance go to page 65 of 286 in the budget book.

      You may be interested: a TWRC reserve fund has been established established to fund enhancements to the recreation facility and assets.
      Funds will be used for capital expenditures that enhance existing assets or introduce new assets
      related to new services for the TWRC. Funding is provided by the naming rights sold for the
      building, arenas, athletic, and aquatic center ((N22). To learn more see page 67 of 286.

      Hope I have answered your question.


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