208 Martin St

May 11, 2024 | Developments, Policies, Masterplans | 0 comments

On May 13 council agenda item there is a staff report recommending approval of a zoning bylaw amendment application for a property at 208 Martin St.  The purpose of the application is to achieve modifications to certain zoning provisions which would then enable a severance and submission of a building permit application to build a new single detached home on what is currently one lot with the address 208 Martin St. Ultimately there will be two distinct lots each with a home. As reviewed in the report there is the intent to maintain the current house and on the other lot to build a new house. As I elaborate further below, I agree with the staff recommendation.

My response to proposals including severances in established neighborhoods has changed because of experience and the challenges of our times. I have observed that refusing a severance solely on the basis that the established neighborhood character would be threatened does not necessarily preserve the character; in place of two houses on two lots (one of the lots being created by a severance) there ends up being one new very large house and the previous spaciousness between houses is lost.  We need more houses and we must provide the new houses within the urban boundary. Recent provincial legislation (Bill 109) supports the latter by permitting two additional residential units as a right on a lot which previously only permitted 1 residential unit.

In my post at the time of the public meeting on this application I said that this particular application seemed to be one which did not threaten the character of the established neighbourhood. As reviewed in the report Staff have reviewed the metrics of the neighbourhood and are satisfied that the character of this surrounding area will not be negatively impacted. A  key factor in this assessment is that the proposed new house is well set back, specifically 80 meters from Martin St., and hence it will be barely visible.  Having said that it is true that it maybe somewhat visible to a couple residents on Melrose who may see it from their backyards.  (Currently they see landscaped open space i.e. the backyard of the proponent’s property.) As a good will gesture I am asking that the proponent do some planting at the southern hedgerow to make it a better screen.

In the staff report there is mention of the proposed Environmental Protection Zone in the property and the possibility of conveyance to the Township.  I do have some questions about this.

As always you can participate in the Council and make a deputation on this motion  in person or virtually.  For details on how to do please see Council agenda.  Or you can send an email to clerks@king.ca by Monday noon with your comments, questions.


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