Gun Discharge–bylaw amendment proposal

At 09/24 Council Staff have tabled a report on amendments to the gun discharge bylaw. The only significant change is in the King City area.  Staff is “recommending a buffer area around the King City community area to proceed further north, south, west and east which...

King City Centre Public Meeting

Wednesday, September 19th at 7:00PM at King City library is the public information centre (PIC) for the development of the lands south of King Road/east of Jane.  How this land is developed is of significant relevance to anyone who is interested in how King City will...

What Do They Do In There?

Just wanted to pass onto you a cool information series I just found on King’s website. Its “spot light on business.”  Each issue focuses on one business in King:  reviews its history, product line and performance.   By clicking here and scrolling down you can...