Active Transportation

There is new survey on on the subject of active transportation.  One of the actions in the recently completed Transportation Master Plan is to develop and execute a plan for an active transportation network.  King has many trails for getting some good...

Community Services Survey

There is some longterm thinking occurring as to what services are to be provided, in the future, to enhance the quality of your living in King:  what kind of recreational programs and for whom, what kind of facilities, what kind of cultural activities should be...

Amendments to Zoning Bylaw for KC and Schomberg

On Council agenda for June 29 there is the public meeting for a Township initiated amendment to the Schomberg and King City; specifically to amend the provisions for lot coverage and permeable surfaces in identified specific zones.    This meeting is the statutory...

Virtual Council Meeting Reminders

Monday June 22nd there is a Audit Committee Meeting at 5PM.  At 6pm same time there is a Council and Committee of Whole (COW) Meeting.  All of these are live streamed and can be watched at   You can submit comments to Council by emailing...

Budget 2021: Recover and Be More Resilient

June 22nd Council agenda includes a report about process for creating the 2021 budget and provides perspective on the pressures ahead in terms of managing the finances of the Township.  Appropriately the report indicates that we may need to re-consider plans given the...

Tax Rates for 2020

On June 22nd Council there is a report recommending tax rates.  We approved our 2020 operating budget in January; this now defines how the required tax levies will  be collected; how much a residential, commercial, industrial property pays.  And ultimately it defines...