Delegating Site Plan Approvals

On the January 24 Council agenda there is a staff report recommending delegation of authority for most site plans. Site plans are the tool for implementing what has already been approved by Council for the land in quesetion.  As reviewed council members will be aware...

MCFA in Nobleton

On January 10 Council agenda there is a report proposing the principles for a Municipal Capital Facility Agreement (MCFA) between the Township and a developer in Nobleton. The latter is in early stages of an application for a development at southeast corner of...

Public Planning Meetings Jan. 31

Notification has been given for 2 public meetings which we held on Jan. 31.  One is to receive information and provide comments on the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment applications to facilitate the development of a three-storey private child care facility, located at...

Demolition in Kettleby

On the November 1 Council agenda there is a staff report presenting the recommendation from the Heritage Advisory Committee (HAC) as to how the Council should respond to a demolition permit for 342 Kettleby Rd., a property listed on the municipal heritage registry....

Restaurant & Drive-Through at Tatton Court

On October 18 council agenda there is a report recommending approval of a zoning bylaw amendment to facilitate a take- out restaurant with drive-through on Tottenham court in the King Ridge shopping centre.  At the public meeting on June 7 I raised questions  as to...