Notice of motion Re Speed humps

There is a motion by Councillor Cescolini to expedite speed hump installation on Tatton Court. I have no background information on it at this point so will not comment on my thoughts on the matter except to say that everywhere people are speeding; traffic calming is...

Resolution About Carbon Tax

On September 9 council agenda there is a resolution tabled by Mayor Pellegrini and seconded by Councillor Boyd. The resolution is to i) ask the federal government to exclude home heating from the federal carbon tax and  ii) ask the federal and provincial governments...

Traffic Calming

Across the Township a common complaint is traffic travelling too fast on the local road going through the neighbourhoods.  In Ward 5 traffic calming has been installed in 2 different areas (GO train station area and quadrant north of King Road and west of Keele.)  The...
announcing the Zancor Centre

announcing the Zancor Centre

King Township secures total of $2.7 million in naming rights for the new, multi-use recreation facility, slated to open in September which will go towards future needs and maintenance of the facility. The new multi-use recreation facility will now be known as the...

Whistle Cessation

On June 17 Council agenda there is a report on whistle cessation which I have been wanting to see for several years.  The report recommends the Council to authorize the cessation of train whistles at the three “at grade crossings” in King Township.  To support the...

Nano-brewery on Main street

On June 17 agenda there is a report recommending approval of an endorsement request by the Schomberg Brew Works; specifically, to endorse their applications for a“By-The-Glass” and “Retail store” licenses.  As reviewed in the report this is to enable...