Transportation Masterplan

Work on updating the Transportation Plan For King has started.  This plan includes all the assets of King which we use to get around:  local roads, trails, sidewalks.  Your involvement is critical as only you know current state in your neighbourhood, what needs to be...

Ontario Building Code

At 5pm Oct. 28 there is a Working Council Session.  Public is invited to observe as Council learns and asks questions.  At this session the Chief Building Officer will review changes to the Ontario Building Code and its impact on King.   Its  been a great frustration...

Winter Maintenance For Our Roads

On Council Oct. 15 agenda there is a staff report recommending the solution for implementing the previously approved plan to modify the winter maintenance strategy for our roads.  The latter will eliminate use of rock salt on our roads and the use of Thawrox treated...

Hwy Corridor 11

At the October 7 council meeting there is a statutory public meeting for amendments to our Official Plan, ”Our King, and the countryside zoning bylaw which will enable the establishment of a planning framework for the Hwy. 11 corridor. This is a very complex...