Fireworks Bylaw Change

In response to concerns and complaints of citizens heard, particularly in 2021, an updated bylaw was passed May 9.  Key changes include fewer days that fireworks may be permitted, specifically on Victoria Day, Canada Day and the third day of Diwali Festival, only...

Corporate Strategic Plan: 3 year progress

On Council agenda for May 9 there is a three year annual progress report of the corporate strategic plan (CSP). The four priority areas of the CSP are: a green and sustainable future, investing in infrastructure, cultivating safe, healthy and resilient communities and...

Regulation of Fireworks

On Monday May 9 there is a report proposing a new bylaw to regulate both the sale and the use of fireworks within the Township. The regulations are all about health and safety of the users and those who are in the vicinity of the action. Given feedback I received from...

Surplus Building: Kettleby-Pottageville Lions Hall

On April 25 council agenda there is a staff report recommending that the Kettleby-Pottageville Lions Hall be declared surplus and that the sale and marketing of the property is to be started. As reviewed in the report there are several good reasons for this action....

Activity Review of Growth Management Services

On April 25 Council agenda there is a report summarizing the activities in the Growth Management Services Department. As reviewed in the report GMS is a new department incorporating 4 divisions: building, planning, by law enforcement, economic development.  Its an...