2022 Budget: a tax increase <1%

The main agenda item on the November 15 council agenda is the budget for 2022. Our Treasurer will be making a presentation at the outset of the meeting so I encourage you to tune in to the live stream.   This is the same presentation which she used at the November...

Fees and Charges for 2022

On Council agenda for November 15 there is a report presenting recommendations for fees and charges for the various services the municipality provides. Most fees are increasing between 1 to 2%. Some new fees are proposed by Growth Management Services for pre...

Draft Budget 2022 Available

The draft budget for 2021 is now available.  As previously posted there are numerous meetings over the month when you can make comment.  November 9th is the virtual public information meeting; you must pre-register in advance with the Finance Department by emailing...

Demolition in Kettleby

On the November 1 Council agenda there is a staff report presenting the recommendation from the Heritage Advisory Committee (HAC) as to how the Council should respond to a demolition permit for 342 Kettleby Rd., a property listed on the municipal heritage registry....

Objection to Listing on Municipal Registry

On the November 1 Council agenda there is a staff report regarding an objection by a property owner to a decision made by Council earlier to list 13500 Weston Road  on the municipal heritage register. As indicated in the report the property owner has not provided any...