Jul 12, 2021 | Policies, Masterplans, The Issues
York Region, Environmental Services is looking for long-term water and wastewater servicing options for the Nobleton community. The Class EA solutions will support growth in the community and optimize the use of existing Regional infrastructure. Based on results of...
Jun 27, 2021 | Developments, Policies, Masterplans, The Issues
At June 28 council meeting there is a very important report presenting the staff recommendation for feedback to the York Region’s draft Forecast and Lands Needs Assessment. The latter is important as it lays out the framework for growth through to 2051. I am pleased...
Jun 26, 2021 | The Issues
On Council agenda June 28th there is a report from Bylaw proposing a corporate policy for bylaw enforcement services. To clarify: it’s not about new bylaws; it’s a policy as to how bylaw officers will respond to complaints and very importantly it...
Jun 26, 2021 | Developments, The Issues
On Council agenda June 28th there is a report recommending approval of official plan and zoning bylaw amendments to facilitate a development of 12 freehold townhouses at King Rd and King Blvd. As I expressed in September 2019 at the the time of the statutory public...
Jun 26, 2021 | Developments, The Issues
On June 28th council agenda there is a report recommending approval of a zoning bylaw amendment to facilitate a daycare at 13121 Keele St. As reviewed in the report the application is to amend various factors in the zoning bylaw for a commercial enterprise in the...
Jun 26, 2021 | The Issues
On June 28th council agenda there is a report recommending a permit process for large scale events (250 persons) on private properties. To my mind there is no question that we should have a comprehensive permit process; I think the proposed process and fee is entirely...