Budget 2020

At January 27 Council there is a report recommending approval of the budget which was originally tabled on Jan. 13.  I consider the recommended 2.89% net tax levy increase to be appropriate.  As reviewed in the report our financial profile is in good shape:  our debit...

Budget Review

The 2020 draft operating budget and draft 2020-2022 capital budget has been tabled.  They have been prepared per the direction given by Council that the annual tax levy is not to be greater than 2.9%.  The draft budget proposes 2.89% for 2020 and forecast 2.88% for...

Draft Tree By-law

At November 18 Council there is a report on the draft tree bylaw for private property in the 3 villages.  As reviewed in the report there has been a significant public consultation process since the draft was presented at Council in June.  I am shocked at the feedback...

How To Meet Our 45% Reduction in GHG

On Council agenda for Nov. 18 there is the Staff report for Township’s Corporate Energy Management and Conservation Plan 2019-2023.  It has been drafted to align with the aggressive target of 45% reduction of GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions by 2030.  The report...