Feb 28, 2020 | Debbie in the Community, The Issues
1st meeting is Thursday March 5 7pm with roster of experts talking about trees: role in mitigating climate change, community vs personal ownership, the science.
Feb 22, 2020 | The Issues, Transportation
On February 24 agenda there is the draft TMP with a recommendation for Council to approve it. Changes have been made to draft presented in previous Council which, I believe, enhance the value of this masterplan. I commented earlier about the plan; and want to make a...
Feb 22, 2020 | The Issues
Februry 24 Council agenda includes a report from By-law; its entitled 2019 statistics but it also includes information on program & service improvements. The productivity of the division is noteable: since 2016 there has been 81% more complaints with no...
Feb 8, 2020 | Debbie in the Community, The Issues, Transportation
Monday, Feb. 10 is TMP day in King. 2-4 PM there is a information meeting for public at Municipal Centre; this is excellent opportunity to talk directly with Staff and consultants, look at maps. 5-6PM is a working Council meeting; public can attend to hear...
Jan 25, 2020 | The Issues
At January 27 Council there is a report recommending approval of the budget which was originally tabled on Jan. 13. I consider the recommended 2.89% net tax levy increase to be appropriate. As reviewed in the report our financial profile is in good shape: our debit...
Jan 10, 2020 | The Issues
The 2020 draft operating budget and draft 2020-2022 capital budget has been tabled. They have been prepared per the direction given by Council that the annual tax levy is not to be greater than 2.9%. The draft budget proposes 2.89% for 2020 and forecast 2.88% for...