Apr 20, 2018 | The Issues
Staff report on April 23rd Council agenda recommends approval of a heritage permit application for replacement of main door of the Eversley Church on Dufferin. As reviewed in the report the work is being done such that the outcome is authentic to the period and that...
Apr 20, 2018 | The Issues
On April 23 Council agenda there is a Staff recommendation for contractor to “fix” the 19th SDRD between Hwy 27 and Rebellion Way. In an earlier post I reviewed alternatives to the initial recommendation to fully reconstruct the road. At the November 13...
Apr 13, 2018 | Developments, The Issues
Keele Street (Station Road to King Road) is getting a face lift this year including new sidewalks on both sides. The street is not being widened. (In 2019 there is similar project on King Road (new municipal hall to library.)
Apr 6, 2018 | Developments, The Issues
There is a dramatic change in land use planning in Ontario; as of April 3rd any new appeals on decisions (or lack of decisions) by Council will be through the Land Use Planning Tribunal (LPAT) as opposed to the OMB. As I consider one of my responsibilities to be...
Feb 24, 2018 | The Issues
There is a statutory public meeting February 26 for the development in north east quadrant of King City. This application which dates back several years is now at the stage of completing the the Functional Servicing/Development Area (FSDAS) study. This is a critical...
Feb 24, 2018 | The Issues
There is a report on February 26 Council agenda about Laskay Hall. For those anxious to see the Hall re-opened for public activities the report includes a review of work yet to be done with a plan for completion in May. As reviewed it has taken longer than...