Dec 10, 2016 | The Issues
On 12/12 Council agenda there is a staff report about Bell installing small cell technology on municipal land and facilities. The latter will improve cellular broadband connectivity at no incremental cost. In fact, Township will collect some modest revenues. I am...
Dec 10, 2016 | The Issues
On 12/12 Council agenda there is a report reviewing process for selling the property where Township Office is currently located. As has been reported previously the sale of the property is a major source of revenue for funding the new Town Hall at the former Holy...
Dec 2, 2016 | Developments, The Issues
At council on Tuesday, December 6 Council meeting there are 2 important projects of great relevance to King residents. 1st…there will be big “reveal” and Council discussion on project MOVE (our new municipal offices.) 2nd…there will be...
Nov 26, 2016 | Developments, The Issues
At November 28th Council there is a public meeting on an application entitled Mansions of King. property best described as being south of Kingscross with some road frontage on King Road. I have several serious concerns about the application. Below I have elaborated...
Nov 26, 2016 | Debbie in the Community, The Issues
Province passed Bill 181, the Municipal Elections Modernization Act earlier this year. There are many changes; the Staff report on the 11/18 Council Agenda is a very thorough review. As I review further below there are a couple very positive changes. But, I am...
Nov 13, 2016 | The Issues
As I announced earlier, the 2017 Budget process is well underway. Thursday, 11/17 there is a public open house in King City in Council Chambers 7-9 PM; presentation will be made starting about 7:30. Residents across whole Township are invited to attend. Timeline...