Sep 24, 2016 | The Issues, Transportation
On 9/26 Council agenda there is the final report on the Roads and Needs Structure Study. This study is critical input to our budget. Its quite clear that roads will continue to consume a significant portion of our capital dollars as the Study shows that there are...
Sep 24, 2016 | The Issues
Here is full schedule for the various meetings, presentations, public consultations etc. for the 2017 Budget. Here are the meetings of particular importance to most people Monday October 17 5 PM working session Committee of Whole Staff will present draft budget...
Sep 9, 2016 | Policies, Masterplans, The Issues
On 9/17 Council agenda there is a Staff report recommending what feedback the Township should give to the Province in response to the amendments proposed for the 3 conservation plans and the growth plan. You can see here my initial assessment of the Province’s...
Sep 9, 2016 | Policies, Masterplans, The Issues
There is open house for the public to see the development proposal for 13165 and 13175 Keele St., King City on September 13th 6-8 PM at King City Library. Here is the notice. This open house is hosted by the developer. In contrast to the Public Meetings which are...
Sep 9, 2016 | Debbie in the Community, Policies, Masterplans, The Issues
There were a couple staff reports of particular interest to the community which were on the August 29 meeting. I regret not being able to alert my readers ahead of time as I was away until Aug. 28 and barely had time to read the reports and prepare for the meeting....
Jul 26, 2016 | The Issues, Transportation
York Region’s Transportation Plan has been completed and is now open for comments until September 15th. This is not only about road projects although that does tend to dominate both in projects and required capital funds! The plan includes bicycle routes and...