By-law Enforcement Annual Report

On Council agenda for 2/22 there is the annual report about bylaw enforcement. In addition to an opportunity to see what kinds of investigations  are being carried out and how many, its good to see service enhancements planned and the increase use of information...

Choice to be open on statutory holidays

At 2/8 Council, there is a Staff recommendation to approve an application, which if successful, would permit all retail businesses in King Township, at their discretion, to remain open on the 9 statutory holidays.  As reviewed in the recommendation the latter is now...

2016 Budget

2016 budget has been approved.  Property taxes will increase 2.29 %, $142 on a home with average assessed value of $664,000.  (The 2.29 is the blended rate of Township increase of 2.95%, York Region 2.85% and Education 0%.)  The budget plan is dominated by...

Water & Wastewater: plans for future

The Regional Municipality of York continues to plan for future water and wastewater servicing and is looking for your input. Since the second round of the public open houses held in June 2015, the Region has completed the evaluation of water and wastewater servicing...