Heritage Register: listing properties

At 9/14 Council there is a staff report recommending the addition of 29 properties to the Municipal Heritage Register. They have been identified as meriting  inclusion on the Register as they have cultural heritage value or interest for the important contribution they...

Property Assessments: news from MPAC

Monday 8/24 at 5PM there is a working Committee of the Whole session at which the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) will be making a presentation on the “State of Assessment, Present and Future in King.”  As is the usual protocol, members of...

GTA West Corridor

August 24 Council agenda includes a Staff report including recommendations as to King’s feedback to the Ministry of Transport on the GTA West Corridor, specifically the eastern portion of the Corridor which is in vicinity of King.  Except for the possibility of...

Project MOVE

August 24 Council agenda includes Staff report with recommendations on the relocation of the Township Administrative Offices, specifically to relocate to the former Holy Name school site on King Road.  (This initiative has been entitled MOVE.)  I have not had...