Transportation Master Plan

Council provided direction to Staff about the Transportation Master Plan presented at last meeting.  As there were a couple issues  (either not enough clarity or lack of agreement) the Plan was not approved; at Council on June 8th some revisions are being presented. ...

Feed-in-tariff Program

When someone wants to participate in a FIT program to install renewable energy infrastructure on their own private property, they apply to Ontario Power Authority (OPA) for a contract.  The OPA rates applicants and awards contracts based on priority points.  One of...

Transportation Master Plan

As I indicated earlier, the Transportation Masterplan is on the agenda for May 25.  Here is the very brief report which essentially identifies next steps and how insights from the work done to date will be used in planning for capital budget, the Development Charge...

Transportation Master Plan

The Transportation Master Plan will be on the Council agenda on May 25.  As I have attend the various meetings for our Official Plan review and the Nobleton Zoning By-law there has always been at least one person asking when the transportation master plan would be...