Standards For Our Parks

Standards for the development of our parks is being presented at March 9 Council.  The standards incorporate details related to principles for park development during the planning & design phases, technical drawings for the purposes of design & construction...

Living With Wildlife

Living in beautiful King with all its rural landscape and wood lots there are more opportunities to see wildlife than if one is living in a more urban setting.  And if one is unprepared the experience may not be a positive one, and in fact it can be  frightening.  And...

Meet Mayor & Councillors–date change

The date for meeting Mayor Pellegrini and the Councillors for Ward 1 and 5 (i.e. Cleve Mortelliti and myself) has been changed to Thursday April 23 6:30-8:00 at King City Library.  Dates for the other ward has not been changed; you can check here.  This is a great...

Official Plan Review

The next public meeting for our Official Plan Review has been rescheduled to Tuesday, March 10th 6PM at Trisan Centre in Schomberg.  As I have posted earlier, this review is extremely important in terms of how the Township is going to evolve.  The new OP will...

Snow Clearance Standards

There is a very timely report at February 23 Council:  winter maintenance standards for sidewalks and municipal parking areas.  The standards identifies how resources (personnel and equipment) are to be deployed in order to deliver the service of timely clearance of...