Kingscross Traffic Calming: change in process

Impact of traffic speed on pedestrian safety is a hot topic in Kingscross Estates. Staff is on track to present a recommendation to Council in late winter (i.e. April 2015) on traffic calming.  There is however, a change in steps leading up to that recommendation;...

2015 Budget and Business Plan

The 2015 Budget and Business Plan is on the agenda for 1/26 Council.  I continue to believe that the proposed property tax increase which amounts to $79/yr on the average house in King (assessment of $614,000) is the right decision.  I am aware that very...

2015 Budget & Business Plan

The 2015 Budget and Business Plan is on the agenda for our January 26th Council meeting. I encourage you to review it and let me know if you are satisfied with the work plan and what is being proposed for a property tax increase.  King is going through a significant...

Trails In King–your input is needed

Work has started to create a master plan for our trails.  Your input is very much wanted.  Please complete the survey here; it will take you only a couple minutes.  Just doing the survey was an eye opener for me; if I had been asked to identify all the trails in King...