Nov 24, 2014 | The Issues
Want to influence how King looks, how King works and what King is? Apply to participate in one of the Townships Advisory Committees or one of its Boards. Click here to learn more about each of committees and boards and for details on the process. Applications will...
Nov 24, 2014 | Debbie in the Community, The Issues
I don’t think anyone would disagree that goods need to be transported efficiently if the Greater Golden Horseshoe and the whole province is to be competitive; hence the current congested route for goods between Vaughan City Centre and Guelph needs to be...
Nov 17, 2014 | The Issues
Staff presented a report to Council on 11/17 recommending a new improved Procurement By-law. I think the various modifications are very positive in that it incorporates best practises in a number of important areas and introduces formal contractor evaluation...
Nov 17, 2014 | Debbie in the Community, The Issues
Council approved a report recommending traffic calming on Kettleby Road; implementation is to be done in spring 2015. The recommendation is based on data provided by data collected by traffic counters and the feedback from residents living on the road. To elaborate...
Nov 10, 2014 | The Issues
Measures to slow down the traffic on Kingscross Drive has been a very hot topic for residents in Kingscross Estates community: both for those living on that road and for residents living on the feeders streets. Notice is being sent to all residents in Kingscross...