Are you registered to Vote?

If there is any doubt in your mind whether you are on the voters’ list I urge you to confirm your status before going to the polls.  Being registered before you go to the polls will save you time.  You can check your status on  King’s website and if...

Approving Community Improvement Plan

The Staff report for Community Improvement Plan (CIP) for our 3 villages is on the agenda for Council 9/22; it recommends approval of the plan.  I am thrilled to see this report and to see us reach this stage as I believe that this program is a key enabler for the...

Finding Our Local Agricultural Businesses

It has come to Council’s attention that our efforts to curb the proliferation of signs across the Township with our new by-law and enforcement of that by-law has had some unintended consequences. Specifically our agricultural businesses in the rural areas of the...

Community Improvement Plan–public meeting

Throughout the last few months there have been a series of meeting in our 3 villages to develop a Community Improvement Plan (CIP); there is now a proposed plan.  The public meeting for the plan is Monday, September 8th at 6 PM in the Council Chamber.  For those...