No New Banquet Facility on the ORM

I have written previously about my strong disagreement with an application to build a banquet facility/wedding venue on the Oak Ridges Moraine (ORM) between Hwy 400 and Weston Road south of the Lloydtown Aurora Rd. Along with the Municipality’s Staff, Council...

Wetlands & Streams in your backyard

Wetlands and streams are not just in conservation areas; they can be in your backyard. In fact, there are many residents in King Township who do have wetlands and streams in their back yards. Being the proud owner of a property with natural features is truly very...

Gun Discharge By-law–revised draft

A revised new by-law covering discharge of guns in King Township is on the agenda for Council January 27th. Because of significant public interest in this by-law Staff have alerted identified “interested parties” well in advance of the meeting. Also well...

2014 Budget Approved

Council has approved the 2014 budget. The blended tax increase is 1.56%; for the average assessed property ($711,902) this amounts to an increase of $108.84/yr ($9.07/month) over 2013. The Township portion of this is 2.59% increase ($61.18/yr); the Region’s...

Employment Lands at Jane/King Road–tough decision

At our December 16th Council meeting I made one of the tougher decisions I have made since being on Council: whether to refuse or to accept the revised application by King City Corporate Center (KCCC) for the prestige employment lands in King City at south east corner...

2014 Budget Decisions Begin

Deliberations on the 2014 budget begin at December 16 Council. You can review the draft budget here. The draft proposes an increase of  2.59%; assuming the proposed York Region increase of 1.54% and the proposed neutral rate from School Board,the blended increase for...