Jun 13, 2012 | The Issues
Most of us love the capability created but most of us don’t want to see the means for creating that capability. I am referring to smart phones and telecommunication towers a.k.a “cell phone towers.” Communication facilities are federally regulated; the approval...
Jun 2, 2012 | Debbie in the Community, The Issues
With the hiring of a contractor as a Heritage Planner we are starting to make some progress on protecting our cultural heritage by listing properties on the Heritage Register. But from the brief debate at Council 5/28 it is evident that there are challenges ahead as...
Jun 2, 2012 | Debbie in the Community, The Issues
May 28th working Committee of Whole was devoted to our road, bridges & culverts infrastructure. Not very exciting topic in itself but of importance given the financial impact. For roads estimated capital needs are $30 million over next 10 years with 2/3 required...
May 22, 2012 | The Issues
The digital world is exciting and challenging. My own use of the potential at my fingertips is very, very limited; but I have enough understanding of the concepts to see the irony of two communications received in the last couple weeks. On one hand, I learn that the...
Apr 17, 2012 | Debbie in the Community, The Issues
At the 4/16 public meeting we were given a vision of what’s coming to the north west corner of King Rd and Dufferin; specifically what the look of the commercial subdivision will be. The “look” has been significantly improved from previous proposals. I think King...