Resolution on Large Scale Wind Farms

Jun 28, 2012 | Debbie in the Community, The Issues | 0 comments

My motion regarding large scale developments of wind turbines passed unanimously at Council 6/25/12.  Wind energy, along with other renewable energy sources, is an important energy source; our energy mix must feature more renewables in the future.  Having said that, placement of large industrial wind turbine facilities represents a risk which has not been adequately assessed.   As King is “largely a rural municipality with significant investment in livestock and feedstock” and “our economy and sustainability are predicated on the maintenance of the health and welfare of our feedstock and livestock” I believe more due diligence is required.

Hence my resolution is that when an application is made for a large wind farm facility the proponent must present documentation on the impact of such and it says that King will pursue greater setbacks than currently required.  The resolution does not indicate any changes in the application process for “small-scale windmills to be operated by business owners and private resident landholders which will produce electricity in the range of 100 KW for their own use.”  You can read the full resolution further below.

In response to tabling this motion I did receive some feedback.  Some agreed with my concern and wondered why I was not tabling a motion to deny all such applications.  I didn’t for two reasons:  1st, the Municipality simply doesn’t have that authority as the Province through its Green Energy Act eliminated a municipality’s ability to approve or not approve.  2nd, we don’t have the evidence to deny; but, to my mind we don’t have the evidence to welcome into a situation where it is close to our livestock.

And some people strongly disagreed with my motion given the urgent need to increase renewables in our energy mix.  I fully agree with the need.  But, I also believe that it is incumbent on the Council to be ensure that due diligence has been completed.   As identified in the resolution “agriculture and equine are more than just industries in King Township—they are part of our natural and cultural heritage and way of life.”

Here is the resolution…..

Whereas King Township is a largely rural municipality with significant investment in livestock and feedstock;

Whereas King Township’s economy and sustainability are predicated on the maintenance of the health and welfare of our feedstock and livestock;

Whereas King Township adopted its Integrated Community Sustainability Plan in April 2012 and that Plan identifies that “agriculture and equine are more than just industries in King Township—they are part of our natural and cultural heritage and way of life;”

Whereas the Council of King Township is entrusted with protecting the interests, health and welfare of its residents;

Whereas there is significant and conflicting evidence about the health and environmental concerns related specifically to the noise and vibrations created by the operation of wind turbines;

Whereas wind turbines and other renewable energy projects are no longer subject to the Planning Act and the Township is no longer able to regulate the development of such facilities through its Official Plans, Zoning By-laws or site plans;

Whereas the Province of Ontario does not measure the impact on health and welfare created by the noise and vibration from the operation of wind turbines;

Whereas the applications for wind turbine can be divided in two groups: small-scale windmills to be operated by business owners and private resident landholders which will produce electricity in the range of 100 KW for their own use; and large scale, industrial wind turbines which will produce electricity in the range of 1.5 MW and more and is produced for sale of electricity into the grid;

Whereas both the 2010 York Region Official Plan and King Township’s pending Official Plan Amendment for power generation includes concept of developing protocols for dealing with Renewable Energy Facilities (REA)

Now therefore be it resolved:

That as  the Township works with the Region to adopt a protocol for Renewable Energy Facilities which would align with King Township’s pending power generation Official Plan Amendment,  the protocol for an application for  industrial wind turbines will include the need for the proponent to provide credible documentation and supporting studies prepared by qualified professionals that the operation of such turbines will NOT negatively impact the health and welfare of our residents, the natural environment, the feedstock and livestock;

That the Council of King Township will actively pursue and request larger setback requirements for industrial wind turbines than those outlined in the Green Energy Act (said criteria being 550 meters) of not less than 2,000 meters until such time as conclusive evidence can be offered showing no negative impact from the operation of wind turbines.


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