Welcome to my blog!  MY primary objective is to alert my constituents and others in King Township about issues being reviewed at the upcoming Council meetings.  I do this as I believe the quality of Council decisions is enhanced when the public is engaged.  I hope that residents will make deputations and/or send emails to Council to express their opinion and/or to ask important questions.  Also, I include notice of meetings and events which I think are particularly important.   I welcome your comments, whether you agree or not with me, and only edit to eliminate inappropriate language.

Recent Posts

Severance on Martin Street

On Council agenda for Monday April 3rd there is a staff report reviewing an application for a severance on Martin St. (see here for the meeting agenda and links to Staff report and the presentations by Staff and the proponent.)  Severances within King City urban boundary have been rare as such were viewed as negatively impacting neighborhood character in the established area and were expressly...

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Reducing Permeable (soft landscaping) Permit Process

On Council agenda for Monday April 3rd there is a staff report proposing a significant process change for assessing applications from property owners in the three villages to implement projects on their property which would result in increasing the amount of hardscaping (non permeable) on their property. This needs to be regulated as too much hardscaping can impact neighboring properties and it...

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New Community Spaces in Nobleton

On Monday, March 20 Council agenda there is a staff report presenting a redevelopment strategy for the Nobleton Lions Community Park and area.  It includes a new library, a refrigerated outdoor ice surface, enhancements to soccer fields, creation of pickle ball courts, new water amenities.  At this point Council is being asked to endorse the strategy and to authorize negotiation with adjacent...

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Drinking Water Systems Annual Report

On Monday, March 20 Council agenda there is a staff report recommending that Council receive the Annual Report for each of the 4 municipal drinking water systems.  As has been case other years, when I read these reports I am grateful to be living in a municipality which manages our water systems with diligence.  As reported there was one incident in the King City system in 2022; what is...

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Recent Comments

  1. Stops signs and excellent idea. Sixty km seems enough IMO, owing to the hills and driveways.

  2. There have been numerous accidents at the 10th Concession and the 17th Sideroad. One accident recently was fatal. Surely that…