Sustainability Plan Update

Jun 28, 2012 | Debbie in the Community, The Issues | 0 comments

Important milestones in our Sustainability Plan have been accomplished.  Terms of Reference (TofR) for the Sustainability Committee (SC) was approved by Council 6/25. And the Sustainability Plan was launched to all Municipal Staff this week.

Next step:  appoint the 4 additional community members to the SC in September. To do so we will advertise and receive applications throughout the summer.   The SC will have 8 community members in total; for this inaugural committee the 4 Ambassadors have been asked to participate.

You can read the TofR for the Sustainability Committee here This is a wonderful way to contribute to King being sustainable.  If your schedule is too full to consider being on the Committee there will be numerous other opportunities to participate.  To keep current with what is happening be sure to register for updates from SustainableKing.  To do so click here.

I have been frustrated that it is taking so long to “get started.”  But at same time I know that we need to get started correctly.  This Plan is the strategic plan for the next 10-15 years.

Very importantly, even though the Sustainability Committee has not been in place, good things have been happening.

New internal work processes and new regulatory bylaws have been implemented to simplify process for public and/or simplify internal administrative effort.  E.g.  Division Fence Bylaw and Consolidated Stop Sign Bylaw.   (One of the strategies in the Financil pillar is to find opportunities for cost savings in municipal spending while maintaining or improving quality of life.)

Process underway to list appropriate properties on Heritage Register and Council has approved guidelines to modifications to designated Heritage properties.  (One of the strategies in the Socio-cultural pillar is to protect and preserve King’s heritage buildings, historical sites and landscapes.)

Reserve strategy will be presented to Council fall 2012 and will include specific recommendation for the $506,000 surplus to 2011 operating budget.  (One of the strategies in the Financil pillar is to ensure financial stability.)

2012 Budget allowed for new position of Policy Planner; hiring process is occurring. But, even without any new bylaws we have 2 new subdivisions in King City committed to installing LED street lighting which consume significantly less energy and the Springhill condominium has been certified for 4 Green Globes (equivalent LEED platinum).  (One of the strategies from the Environment pillar is to strengthen King’s planning legislation and by-laws to reinforce environmental protections and public health &safety.)


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