Township Facilities Strategies

May 11, 2014 | Debbie in the Community, The Issues | 2 comments

The Township has over 20 facilities and buildings.  For a variety of reasons we need a strategy for maintaining these facilities.  There is simply the good business sense; these are assets which need to be maintained.  The Ontario Disabilities Act require that public buildings meet accessibility targets.  “The Green Energy Act require the reporting of energy uses and green house gas emissions; and very importantly a 5 year energy conservation and demand management plan by July 1, 2014.  A draft plan for meeting the requirements of the Green Energy Act is being reviewed at May 13 Council; you can read it here.

Our Energy and Conservation Plan must integrate with our plan for our strategy to address deficiences in our facilities as identified in the recently conducted Structural and Accessibility Audit.  This Audit was presented at 4/28/14 Council.  You can read it here.  If you want to read the audit of a specific facility click here and scroll to item 9.4


  1. Nancy Hopkinson

    Hi Debbie,
    I read the report for the Nobleton Community Hall. It listed all sorts of things as being urgent, such as new windows. To me, the urgency is getting accessibility. I think that in the case of this Hall, that the Nobleton Lions Club and the Nobleton Women’s Institute who are very interested in the Hall should be consulted and that their input should be valued more than the consultants’ report.

    • Debbie

      Hello Nancy, The Consultant’s report is input to our decision making. We will also have the input from the analysis done of our facilities in terms of energy demand & conservation opportunites. And as you have indicated there is the input from the users. We need to look at all. Debbie


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