Changing How to Regulate Permeable Surfaces

On May 15 Council agenda there is a report recommending how to regulate the amount of permeable surfaces in property lots within the 3 villages.  Having the “right” amount is important in terms of dealing with rainwater which recharges the acquifers and to...

Economic Development and Strategic Priorities

At May 15 Council there will be two Staff reports, each with presentations.  You can listen by either joining the livestream or come to the Municipal Centre.  These reports and presentations listed below will be preceeded by a presentation regarding Mackenzie Health...

Winter Maintenance Program

On May 15 Council agenda there is a report summarizing results (successes and challenges) of the winter maintenance programs.  The weather statistics certainly “explain” some of the challenges experienced; there was a lot of rain.  The report also provides...
Spring Tea in Kettleby

Spring Tea in Kettleby

  This is a wonderful way to meet up with friends and neighbours and get caught up on their news and interests.  And this year is unique given that it is Coronation Day!
Ketle Lake Park Next Phase

Ketle Lake Park Next Phase

Construction of Kettle Lake Phase 2 is slated to start this month; expected completion of the new play structures is mid July.  Lighting along the pathway will be installed later in the summer.  Suring the construction phase the public will have limited access to the...