Keele West

On Monday, April 4th there will be the statutory public meeting for an application to amend the King City Community Plan (KCCP) and the Schomberg King City Urban Areas Zoning By-law 2017-66 to provide for the re-development of  lands on west side of Keele across from...

Noblestone Developments

On Monday, April 4th there will be the statutory public meeting for an application for Draft Plan of Subdivision, Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications to facilitate the development on the property located at 13440 Highway 27. As is...

Input to draft York Region Official Plan

The agenda for the March 21 Council meeting includes a staff report recommending comments to be submitted to York Region (YR) regarding the draft York Region Official Plan (ROP). The ROP will guide the growth throughout YR to 2051 in conformity with the Growth Plan...

Softscaping: how much?

The agenda for the March 21 Council meeting includes a report reviewing 4 years of historical data about minor variance applications, specifically those about permeability; and it recommends preparation of amendments to the zoning bylaws for the three Villages based...

Nobleton Sewers Phase 2/contract 3 is finished

The agenda for the March 21 Council meeting includes 2 reports dealing with the Nobleton sanitary sewer system. One report is in response to the completion of the construction of phase 2/contract 3 which means that the residents can now connect. At this stage there...