Federal Election–last minute insight

Federal Election on Monday May 2nd.  Remember to Vote! If you are still undecided here are two sources of more information which have just came to my attention. A debate has been organized to focus on agricultural issues.  Its on Saturday, 4/30 1-3 PM  in...

What is happening to our committees and boards?

Many readers of these posts are aware of the transition we are going through with our Boards and Committees.  But as not everyone is up to date I would like to review the transition and where we are at. Our committees and boards can be divided broadly into two...
Pipeline Learnings

Pipeline Learnings

At April 18th Council Enbridge presented an update and overview of the project to construct a pipeline to serve the York Energy Centre. I made a real effort to listen calmly, to hear what was being said.  It was an effort as I never expected to be in this situation as...