Council Time and Format Changes

On Monday, March 20 council agenda there is a very important report proposing significant modifications to how council meetings will be managed. Many are procedural details but there are two which are significant which will have a clear impact on the public in terms...

By-law Investigation Map

The Township of King has posted a new feature at that allows visitors to King’s website to check on the status of a bylaw complaint.  As I often hear frustration that making a complaint to Bylaw is like making a complaint to a black box as its not...
Holiday Greetings To All

Holiday Greetings To All

I celebrate Christmas and wish all those who also celebrate it a Merry Christmas. I also wish joyful times to those celebrang Hanukkah and Kwanzaa.

Demolition in Ketttleby

On December 12 Council agenda there is a report recommending approval of a demolition application to demolish a drive shed at the rear of a listed property in Kettleby.  The Heritage Advsiory Committee recommends approval of requested demolition and maintaining the...

Demolition in Ansnorveldt

On December 12 Council agenda there is a report recommending approval of a demolition application for a dwelling in Ansnorveldt as agreed by the Heritage Advisory Committee (HAC). Council’s approval is required as the property is “listed: on the municpal...