Oct 16, 2022 | Debbie in the Community, Miscellaneous
About a week ago I answered a comment on my blog requesting an update about whistle cessation. It has occurred to me that not everyone reads questions & answers so I am repeating it here. It is also consistent with what I have been telling people when I have...
Oct 16, 2022 | Miscellaneous
Between now and mid-November, there will be crews doing overnight maintenance work to replace worn out railroad ties (the rectangular supports beneath the rails) along the Barrie rail corridor between Rutherford Road in Vaughan and 15th Sideroad in King Township. Here...
Oct 10, 2022 | Debbie in the Community, Miscellaneous, The Issues
It’s now two weeks until October 24, the Election Day for municipalities in Ontario. The first day of advanced voting in King occurred on Saturday and I am delighted to hear that more than 300 persons visited. You can see here for all the advance voting days...
Oct 5, 2022 | Miscellaneous
Many will have read about the exercise underway to redraw the Federal electoral map; but I suspect not many have looked at the proposed mapping. The proposal has significant impact on King Township as it moves the northern boundary of King-Vaughan from Hwy 9 to...
Oct 4, 2022 | Miscellaneous
As you would expect all voting locations will be accessible, and entrances will be well marked with the universal access symbol and be within close proximity of the parking lot. In addition The Township of King is providing an option for homebound voters in...
Sep 24, 2022 | Miscellaneous
On September 26 council agenda there is a staff report about council meetings in the future: the 2023 schedule and the format. I am very enthusiastic about the plan to move to hybrid meetings whereby members of the public can choose to watch and participate either by...