Jun 10, 2022 | Developments, Miscellaneous
On Monday June 13 Council agenda there is staff report recommending approval of the zoning bylaw amendment application for 22 Patton St. s reviewed there are several provisions of the Schomberg and kKing City draft zoning bylaw which are not being met by the...
Jun 10, 2022 | Miscellaneous, The Issues
On Monday June 13 council agenda there is staff report providing insight into the budget pressures for the 2023 budget and the forecast for 2024-2026. The report reviews the process for budget creation and eventual approval by Council. Very importantly it identifies...
Jun 10, 2022 | Debbie in the Community, Miscellaneous
The King Heritage Award is meant to put a spotlight on historic properties that contribute to our understanding of the uniqueculture and heritage found in the Township of King. It recognizes excellence in the preservation, maintenance, restoration and/or enhancement...
Jun 10, 2022 | Debbie in the Community, Miscellaneous, The Issues
On Monday June 13 council agenda there is a very interesting staff report presenting the draft Municipal Tree Management plan. Even though it is the first one, many of the activities are happening to some degree already; but, this is the first time a plan with goals...
Jun 3, 2022 | Debbie in the Community, Miscellaneous
This ever so popular event is back! Here are all the details: which food trucks, which craft beer and who is performing. Buy your tickets oneline.
Jun 3, 2022 | Developments, Miscellaneous
At the June 6 Council planning meeting there is a report addressing an application an apartment building on Keele St approximately 90 meters north of Station Road on the west side. The report includes a very valuable context map identifying the five applications for...