STOP 413!

STOP 413!

Last year’s Harvest Ontario Walk to Stop the 413 was a huge success and also a lovely day out in sunny, autumn weather. This event is organized by a large coalition of environmental groups and local residents including Grandmothers Act to Save the Planet,...

Road improvements in Ward 5

Five (5) Projects to improve roads are being implemented over the next couple months; two are in Ward 5.  Keele Street from Lloydtown Aurora Road to Kettleby Road for rehabilitation. The other project is the 18th Sideroad,Jane west to Hwy 400 which will be converted...

Maintenance on Important Heritage Asset

On Sept. 25 Council agenda there is a staff report recommending approval of several actions to support maintenance of the Eversley Church on Dufferin St.  The actions include approval of a heritage permit, awarding heritage grants.  As explained in the report one...

Village Design Guidelines

At September 25 council there will be a presentation on the draft Village Design guidelines and there will be review of the Staff report.  The scope of the guidelines is very wide as it includes built structures, street scaping and its elements, parks and trails which...