Working with TRCA after Bill 23

On April 11 council agenda there is a staff report recommending process for working with TRCA to deliver municipally requested projects and programs in the new legislative environment which we are in following Bill 23.  As posted earlier Bill 23 significantly reduced...

Affiliation Policy

On April 11 council agenda there is a report presenting the community group affiliation policy and user fee and subsidization policy.  It is a lengthy report title but entirely appropriate as the three policies are all connected.  Community group affiliation policy is...

Severance on Martin Street

On Council agenda for Monday April 3rd there is a staff report reviewing an application for a severance on Martin St. (see here for the meeting agenda and links to Staff report and the presentations by Staff and the proponent.)  Severances within King City urban...

Changes to SAC and ICSP

On Monday, March 20 council agenda there is a staff report recommending the transition of the Sustainability Advisory Committee (SAC) to an Environmental Action Team and to not pursue the refresh of the Integrated Community Sustainability Plan (ICSP).  I agree with...