Sep 20, 2019 | Policies, Masterplans, The Issues
On Council agenda September 23 there is a report which is relatively unusual: it is a Staff report about intent to have a public meeting in the future re: a zoning bylaw amendment for the Nobleton Urban Area. Purpose of the the 9/23 report is to hear any comments...
May 24, 2019 | Debbie in the Community, Developments, Policies, Masterplans, The Issues
On May 27 agenda there is Staff report reviewing the implications of the Province’s proposed Bill 108 called “More Homes, More Choice Act.” This Bill, if passed as is, has significant impact on how our communities evolve: what is built, how it is...
Apr 5, 2019 | Policies, Masterplans
On Wednesday, April 10 7-9 there is a meeting focused on farmland in King Township and Ontario, and the importance of preserving productive farmland into the long term future. Concerned Citizens of King Township are hosting it with guest speakers from the Ontario...
Feb 23, 2019 | Policies, Masterplans
On 2/25 Council agenda there is a staff report reviewing the proposed submission to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs as a response to proposed changes to several pieces of legislation including the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe and several others. As...
Jan 11, 2019 | Policies, Masterplans
On Council 1/14 agenda there is a report on Bill 66 which includes the Planning Staff’s recommendations for feedback to the Province by January 20. In earlier posts I have reviewed why I consider Bill 66 Section to be regressive and bad for communities. My...
Jan 11, 2019 | Policies, Masterplans
At last Council meeting (December 10) there was a report on Keele One. Several residents made deputations citing concerns: about process and some specific details. I can appreciate that some citizens were somewhat surprised that we were at the stage of approving...