Public Meeting: Bushland Heights

Here is formal notice of the statutory public meeting for the development called Bushland Heights.  As indicated it will be on the February 5 Council meeting.  This development is on east side of Jane north of King Road.  At this meeting the developer presents their...

draft Official Plan

The draft Official Plan for King Township is now posted on the Township web.  Hard copies to read will be available in the Township libraries.  To read the draft please go here; and at same place you can also read background information.  By its nature this is a very...

New Gas Station on Hwy 11/Bathurst

At December 11 Council meeting there is a statutory public meeting to address an application for a zoning bylaw amendment to facilitate development of a gas station with car wash and convenience store on Highway 11 west side of Bathurst.  Here is the Staff report.  As...

OPA application for Patton Street

At December 11 Council meeting there is a statutory public meeting to address an application for a zoning bylaw amendment (OPA) to rezone a lot to “Core Area King City. ”  As reviewed in the report this application is really a correction to what should...