Bill 66 Section 10

On Council 1/14 agenda there is a report on Bill 66 which includes the Planning Staff’s recommendations for feedback to the Province by January 20.  In earlier posts I have reviewed why I consider Bill 66 Section to be regressive and bad for communities. My...

Keele One

At last Council meeting (December 10) there was a report on Keele One.  Several residents made deputations citing concerns:  about process and some specific details.  I can appreciate that some citizens were somewhat surprised that we were at the stage of approving...

Public Meeting: Bushland Heights

Here is formal notice of the statutory public meeting for the development called Bushland Heights.  As indicated it will be on the February 5 Council meeting.  This development is on east side of Jane north of King Road.  At this meeting the developer presents their...

draft Official Plan

The draft Official Plan for King Township is now posted on the Township web.  Hard copies to read will be available in the Township libraries.  To read the draft please go here; and at same place you can also read background information.  By its nature this is a very...