Planning Act Changes….Bill 73

There is an informative Staff report on Council agenda 2/6 reviewing particularly relevant changes to the Planning Act under Bill 73 which came into full force July 1, 2016.  For those who have become involved with development applications some of the changes will be...

Zoning By-law Review

The best tools we have for protecting the character of our established neighbourhoods are the two updates, in process, for the King City and Schomberg zoning by-laws and the Official Plan. (For the zoning by-law amendment we are building off the effort completed for...
Stop Scary Sprawl!

Stop Scary Sprawl!

Monday, October 31st is the last day to tell Premier Wynne that you are opposed to any of the Protected Countryside being paved over.  You can easily send a message; click here and sign the petition asking Premier Wynne and Minister Mauro to protect the...

OMB Reform

The Province has initiated a review of the OMB and are seeking public input.  The closest one to us is Tuesday October 18th in Newmarket at Trinity United Church 461 Park Ave.  To learn more about the review process etc. see here.  Changing the scope of the issues...