Nobleton Zoning By-law–final draft

On the July 11 Council agenda there is a report with the final draft of the new Nobleton Zoning By-law (ZBL) with a  recommendation to Council to approve it.  As I have indicated in other posts, the zoning by-laws for the Township are in desperate new of revision;...

Planning Project Status & Timeline Review

There are two very important planning projects underway:  Official Plan Review and Zoning By-law Review.  Many members of public have been involved in the process to varying degrees.  On 6/27 Council agenda there is a review of status of these projects and the...

Severance Application–Warren Road, King City

On Council 5/30 agenda there is a Staff report on the Warren Road severance application.    The technical assessment made by Planning Staff is thorough.  As I personally wrestle with this application I keep coming back to two philosophical points.  i)  Our villages...

Nobleton Zoning By-law: final draft

At May 16 Council there is a public meeting for the draft Nobleton Zoning By-law. (NZBL) This is significant milestone in our program to have updated zoning by-laws for the 3 villages as King City and Schomberg’s new ones will be based on the Nobleton one.  I am...