Sep 9, 2016 | Debbie in the Community, Policies, Masterplans, The Issues
There were a couple staff reports of particular interest to the community which were on the August 29 meeting. I regret not being able to alert my readers ahead of time as I was away until Aug. 28 and barely had time to read the reports and prepare for the meeting....
Jul 19, 2016 | Policies, Masterplans, The Issues
We, all of us in King and anyone who is concerned about food security, climate change & water, have until September 30th to provide feedback to Minister Mauro (Minister of Municipal Affairs) about the Province’s proposed amendments to the Growth Plan (Places...
Jul 9, 2016 | Policies, Masterplans, The Issues
On the July 11 Council agenda there is a report with the final draft of the new Nobleton Zoning By-law (ZBL) with a recommendation to Council to approve it. As I have indicated in other posts, the zoning by-laws for the Township are in desperate new of revision;...
Jun 24, 2016 | Policies, Masterplans
There are two very important planning projects underway: Official Plan Review and Zoning By-law Review. Many members of public have been involved in the process to varying degrees. On 6/27 Council agenda there is a review of status of these projects and the...
Jun 7, 2016 | Policies, Masterplans, The Issues
Open houses are being conducted for the zoning by-law review in King City and Schomberg. I have been impatient waiting for this to start as this is the means to protect our mature subdivisions. Specifically, this is where we have the opportunity to effectively...
May 26, 2016 | Policies, Masterplans
On Council 5/30 agenda there is a Staff report on the Warren Road severance application. The technical assessment made by Planning Staff is thorough. As I personally wrestle with this application I keep coming back to two philosophical points. i) Our villages...